The NHS is Captured
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is ‘captured’ by the ‘critical social justice‘ movement.
The United Kingdom’s National Health Service is ‘captured’ by the ‘critical social justice‘ movement.
What does this mean? Why should you be concerned?
When we talk of an institution being captured, we mean that the decisions made to determine policy and practice are all made through an ideological lens. While we would like to think that public servants operate with due impartiality, treating every citizen equally and implementing government policy to the best of their ability, there are public servants who actively reject their duties in this regard. Activist teachers are a known problem in the education sector. We have known for years that activists have led The Tavistock GIDS clinic into being the operational delivery branch of the gender ideology movement. One might be forgiven for thinking that this aberration was an isolated case, one specifically targeted by the validation junkies promoting gender ideology. However, gender ideology is just one facet of a broader ideological invasion of the public sphere. The other major facet is Critical Race Theory – this is the ideology that aims to spread racial division by elevating non-white races above the white in an unneeded pop chart of perceived victimisation.
Both gender ideology and critical race theory are components of ‘critical social justice’. This movement has existed in one form or another in academia for decades, and is a product of University Social Sciences departments and the ‘long march through the institutions’ which has been seeking to embed far-left ways of thinking into society. Historically, the centre of political thought has largely ignored this phenomenon – “lefty students soon grow up when they get to the world of work”, right? In recent years, though, the ideas taught by those promoting ‘critical social justice’ and its antecedents have not been left behind on the University campuses. They have found their way into society at large, manifested by firms promoting ‘pronouns in bios’ and courts acquitting vandals of criminal damage on ideological grounds.
Even the BBC with its well-touted remit to be impartial has not escaped: How the BBC was captured by trans ideology
This is how we know that these destructive ideologies are not confined to the Tavistock Centre. The NHS runs training courses pushing these belief systems out across the whole organisation.
This is manifest in the NHS proposed Interim Service Specification for the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria in Children and Young People. Even after the Tavistock scandal was brought to light, the revised specification still uses the language of gender ideology.
Society at large, and the NHS, must rid itself of the harmful and divisive ‘critical social justice’ movement. Sadly, this is a deep seated cultural malaise that shall take decades to fix. A new enlightenment is required, one in which objectivity and facts must take precedence over subjectivity and feelings. A new ‘long march through the institutions’ is needed, and it cannot start soon enough given that ‘critical social justice’ is being taught in primary schools today along with its core tenet of creating the activists of the future.
If we do not set about this task in earnest, and with total commitment, right now, then one day you might be denied medical treatment because of your politics or because of the colour of your skin.
That is the world that is being built for you.